Women's Walk Pilgrims 90, St Louis UMC

The following is a list of pilgrims who have registered for the current Women's Walk to Emmaus. You may wish to pray for them as they prepare for this event.

Registered as of March 24, 2014

Pilgrim Church Sponsor
Mary Barrett Webberville UMC Erma Leathem
Judith Christie Webberville UMC Liz Dotzlaf
Joelle Gibson Ithaca UMC Karen Weller
Lula Irvin St Louis FUMC Jane Tennant
Sandra Johnson Oasis Church, Okemos L.J. Nickerson & Henry Casillas
Debbi Kasper Clare UMC Susie Neff
Barbara Lang Alma Resurrection Life Deb Brune
Teresa Mackie Farwell UMC Dennis Wissinger
Rita Mason Lincoln Road UMC, Riverdale Boni Bard
Christine Munger Edmore Faith UMC Terrie Eisenmann
Carole Nevills Edmore Faith UMC Cindi Scheiern
Margie Osborn Eastminster Presbyterian, East Lansing Barb Moss
Kelly Parsons Pilgrim UMC Ryan Cressman
Rose Peck Alma UMC Mark Hahn
Susan Pickens Rosebush UMC Jan Mogg
Sue Roshak FUMC Big Rapids Becky Morrison
Doris Shaw New Life UMC, Six Lakes Marsha Anderson & Charlotte Besemer
Jill Stigall Zion UMC, Ionia Debbie Hall
Cyndi Thelen Pilgrim UMC, St Johns Teri Harger
Buffy Torok Carson City UMC Nancy Wilson
Jo Ward St. Louis, UMC Cheryl Sabatovich
Khala Williams Berlin Center UMC Pennie Simington
Kathleen Wright Trinity Church, Lansing Cindy & Eric Iverson

Pilgrim United Methodist Church
Lansing Area Emmaus
2965 W Parks Rd
St Johns, MI 48879

web: LansingEmmaus.org
email: lae.data@gmail.com
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